5 ways to Enhance a Mortgage Broker LinkedIn profile

As a Mortgage Broker, it is always important to be building your personal brand, and ensuring that clients can find you easily. One of the most immediate ways that Brokers can do this, is by building social media sites to accurately and clearly represent them and their business. As clients increasingly use online search [...]

2017-11-02T12:53:01-04:00November 2nd, 2017|Categories: Market Trends, Mortgage, mortgage prep, MortgageTips, News, Other|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 5 ways to Enhance a Mortgage Broker LinkedIn profile

Mortgage Brokers: Use the Winter Months to Build Your Brand before Next Year’s Rush

As the real estate market starts to slow down, it’s a great time to evaluate and strengthen your personal brand as a local mortgage broker. There are countless marketing and advertising options out there - and it’s up to you to decide which strategy will be best for you and your local market. Below [...]

2017-11-02T12:52:20-04:00October 30th, 2017|Categories: Mortgage, Mortgage Basics, mortgage prep, MortgageTips, Other|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Mortgage Brokers: Use the Winter Months to Build Your Brand before Next Year’s Rush

Smart Buyer Home Inspection Tips

A home inspection can be a stressful part of the home buying process for both the buyer and the seller. A poor inspection has the potential to throw a sale off track, and once you’ve found the perfect neighborhood, and a great house - no one wants that to happen. A home inspection is [...]

2017-11-02T12:51:30-04:00October 26th, 2017|Categories: Mortgage, Mortgage Basics, mortgage prep, MortgageTips, News, Other, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Smart Buyer Home Inspection Tips

The people you’ll meet in the home buying process and which role each of them will play

Buying a home is an exciting, although somewhat complicated, process. It takes a lot of planning and preparation to get a mortgage and to find the right house in the perfect neighborhood! You’ll want to assemble a team of experts to keep everything in order and assure that the entire process goes smoothly. Below [...]

2017-11-02T12:46:41-04:00October 17th, 2017|Categories: Homeownership, Mortgage Basics, MortgageTips, Other, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The people you’ll meet in the home buying process and which role each of them will play

Low Down Payment Home Loan Options

Buying your first home is a no easy task, and many people see the initial down payment as a tough hurdle to overcome. While it can certainly be a challenge to fit down payment savings in your budget, it is generally financially better to own a home over the long term. Homeowners usually have [...]

2017-11-02T12:49:43-04:00October 11th, 2017|Categories: Homeownership, Mortgage Basics, MortgageTips, Other|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Low Down Payment Home Loan Options

5 Phone Apps Every Tech-savvy Mortgage Broker Should Use

To keep up with today’s real estate market, agents are needing to be able to offer nearly instant service to clients during the  house hunting process. As a mortgage broker in the industry, it’s important to keep up to the same standards to support clients and real estate partners as they work through the [...]

2017-11-02T12:45:51-04:00September 26th, 2017|Categories: Market Trends, Mortgage Basics, MortgageTips, Other|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 5 Phone Apps Every Tech-savvy Mortgage Broker Should Use

3 Reasons to get to know your neighbors

A neighborhood is a very important factor to consider when buying a home, because the value of your property will largely depend on its location. A few indicators of a good neighborhood are: highly-rated schools, convenient access to public transit, and nearby parks and shops. Location features aren’t the only things that make up [...]

2017-09-20T11:47:31-04:00September 20th, 2017|Categories: Homeownership, Mortgage Basics, Other|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 3 Reasons to get to know your neighbors

Now is the time to get your budget in shape before the holidays start!

Thoughts of holidays may not yet be on your mind, but as the autumn weather makes its first appearance in September, it’s a good idea to start setting a budget before the holiday season is in full swing! Setting a budget (and sticking to it) is one of the best steps that you can [...]

2017-09-14T18:03:40-04:00September 14th, 2017|Categories: Market Trends, Mortgage Basics, News, Other|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Now is the time to get your budget in shape before the holidays start!
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